Sara Crigger


Trying to stay on task

Ok, my best laid plans got a little derailed last (two) week(s). I’ve done a fair amount of administrative work, but not much of what I said I was going to do. Oops. Sometimes I’m not great at staying on task. I’m only human, after all.

So what DID I get done?

  • I’ve got my rep chosen for my audition this weekend, and I’ve been practicing it.

  • I’ve (finally…I hope) got all of my students - university and high school - scheduled for this fall.

  • I did a full day at the high school last week talking to and singing for the kids. I sang the Habanera from Carmen SEVEN. TIMES. that day, and let me tell you…I got a lot of kinks worked out of that piece.

  • I got my new office at the University set up, syllabi updated, and printed

  • I started over reading The Naked Voice because it had been a minute, and I need to write discussion questions as I read.

  • I drive to Knoxville and had a fantastic lesson with my teacher

  • And I had a fantastic coaching last week on the Letter Aria from Werther

  • I’ve also taken naps, read simply for pleasure, cooked, worked out whenever I wanted, and I’ve been sewing - a hobby I’ve talked about on at least one previous post

  • Oh…and I’ve finally been catching up on my book keeping

So what’s in store for this week?

  • Lessons for EVERYONE start this week. I’m teaching three FULL days this fall, which is a lot for me, but after the past year and a half, I’m feeling ready for it.

  • I’ve got more practicing to do for my audition this weekend!

  • I’ll keep reading The Naked Voice - I’ve got to at least be through Part I by September 21!